Budget Control SDK

Version 2.0.2

Table of Contents

  1. Budget Control SDK Overview

    1.1. What is Budget Control SDK?

    1.2. How does Budget Control SDK work?

    1.3. Versioning and backward compatibility

  2. Technical overview

    2.1. Basic information

    2.2. Basic configuration

    2.3. Budget Control SDK Setup

    2.4. Delivery setup

    2.5. Error handling

  3. Budget Control Service

    3.1. getInvitation

    3.2. initializeRedeemCard (deprecated)

    3.3. finalizeRedeemCard (deprecated)

    3.4. getVcnDetails

    3.5. getCards

    3.6. getCardDetails

    3.7. getAlerts

    3.8. deleteAlert

    3.9. acceptTermsAndConditions

    3.10. addApproval

    3.11. redeemInvitation

    3.12. redeemInvitationConfirmationCode

    3.13. registerCardEventsListener

    3.14. registerTermsAndConditionsEventsListener

    3.15. registerApprovalEventsListener

  4. Document changelog

    4.1 Version 1.0.0

    4.2 Version 1.0.1

    4.3 Version 1.0.2

    4.4 Version 1.0.3

    4.5 Version 1.1.0

    4.6 Version 1.1.1

    4.7 Version 1.1.2

    4.8 Version 2.0.0

    4.9 Version 2.0.1

Budget Control SDK Overview

1.1. What is Budget Control SDK?

Budget Control sdk is a closed framework providing services for business card management. By using an invitation, you can join the programme and use payment cards assigned to your account by the administrator.

1.2. How does Budget Control SDK work?

Services provide methods to:

Budget Control SDK requires Mobile DC as a dependency. It’s required for the Budget Control SDK to work correctly and handles user’s session and data. Please read the Mobile DC SDK’s documentation to see more details about the installation and integration process

In order to incorporate this SDK into your app, see Basic configuration

1.3. Versioning and backward compatibility

SDK is based on semantic versioning.
For example: 1.0.0 ( MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH )

Changes not breaking compatibility:

2. Technical overview

This section describes basic information about Budget Control SDK setup and available methods.

2.1. Basic information

2.1.1 Facade

Facade is an entry point to communication with Budget Control SDK.

2.1.2 Multiple facade types

Budget Control SDK provides two public API's with same functionalities, the API's are:

The difference between the API's is a way of providing data to SDK methods and getting the results from them.
Input and output as an data models are the same.
This documentation presents I/O types in a Kotlin way as it's easier to mark nullable fields (as question mark).

2.1.3 Method structure

Every method description has same structure.

Execution type:

Method type:

Input parameters with name, type and description.

Result delivered by standard Callback with data or result is suspended until the Coroutine completes <Multiple facade types>.

2.2 Basic configuration

2.2.1 Min SDK Version

The minSdkVersion must be at least 23 (Android 6.0).

2.2.2 Artifactory

SDK is available on Verestro maven repository and can be configured in project using Gradle build system.

Username and password are provided by Verestro.

repositories {  
    maven { 
        credentials { 
            username "<enter_username_here>" 
            password "<enter_password_here>" 
         url "https://artifactory.upaid.pl/artifactory/libs-release-local/"

2.2.3 SDKs version

Budget Control SDK is available in two versions: debug and release.
The difference between version is debug allows to use application with debugger connected.
Debug version is ended with appendix "-debug" in version name.
Samples below.

For release version, used on production environment in application uploaded to Google Play:

dependencies { 
    implementation 'com.verestro.sdk:bc:${version}'
    implementation 'pl.upaid.module:mobiledc:{version}' 

For debugging purposes:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.verestro.sdk:bc-dev:${version}-debug'
    implementation 'pl.upaid.module:mobiledc:{version}-debug'

2.2.1 Source code obfuscation and optimization

As SDK is written in Kotlin language we recommend to add following code to gradle configuration:

android {  
     kotlinOptions { 
         freeCompilerArgs = [ 
    packagingOptions { exclude '/kotlin_metadata/**' } 

Then use newest tools for code shrinking, optimization and obfuscation from Google by enabling R8 instead Proguard in gradle.properties file:


2.3 Budget Control SDK Setup

Available configuration methods:

2.3.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
configuration Configuration Configuration model


Parameter Type Description
url String API hostname URL
certificateHashes List<String> API hostname Pin SHA256
notificationsListener BudgetControlNotificationsListener Remote notifications listener

2.3.2 Sample


fun init(configuration: Configuration) {


fun init(configuration: Configuration) {

2.4 Delivery setup

Antaca SDK uses push notifications for asynchronous communication. On the application side you need to register the FCM service, and then pass the message to the MDC SDK through the process method in the onMessageReceive method (after verifying the message source - sender id). See the Technical documentation MDC SDK for more details. After initial setup register the appropriate event listener using the corresponding method on the facade.

2.5 Error handling

SDK returns errors by BcSdkException, which could be catched by application and shown on UI with detailed message.

Table below describes general exception types.

Exception type Exception class Description
Backend BcSdkException Provides additional validation or error on backend side. Application should get reason code and show suitable message or made action. Message should be never shown to user. Could be logged for error reporting and for developers. List of available exceptions in table below


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception.
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception.
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired.
RequestCancelled Request was canceled.
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred.
InvalidInvitationCode Invalid invitation code.
ResourceNotFound Resource not found.
InvalidId Invalid id.
ApprovalRequestExist Approval request exist.
CardAssignedToAnotherUser Card assigned to another user.
NoCertificatePinningException No certificate pinning.
UnknownApprovalStatus Unknown approval status
UnknownTimeUnit An unknown time unit - available 3 types DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY.
ValidationException Contains list of ValidationError.
ParseValidationErrorException Error occurs while validation exception parsing.


Parameter Type Description
validationErrors List<ValidationError> List of errors


Parameter Type Description
errorReason ValidationErrorReason Validation error reason
errorMessage String Error message


Reason Description
InvalidDateTo Invalid date to
InvalidDateFrom Invalid date form
InvalidAmount Invalid amount
Unknown Unknown

3 Budget Control Service

3.1 getInvitation

Asynchronous. Online.  

This method provides invitation code from Budget Control backend.

3.1.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
invitationData InvitationData Get invitation data model


Parameter Type Description
invitationCode String Invitation code that will be required for initialize user registration process

3.1.2 Output Success
Success callback with InvitationResult model.


Parameter Type Description
getInvitation InvitationResult Get invitation result model


Parameter Type Description
invitation InvitationModel Invitation model


Parameter Type Description
invitationCode String Invitation code
phonePrefix String Phone prefix
phoneNumber String User's phone number
email String User's email
termsAndConditions List<TermsAndConditionsModel> List of terms and conditions to be accepted


Parameter Type Description
id String Id of T&C
header String Header of T&C
content String Content of T&C Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id
InvalidInvitationCode Invalid invitation code

3.1.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun getInvitation(invitationData: InvitationData) {
            invitationData = invitationData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<InvitationResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: InvitationResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with get invitation result*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun getInvitation(invitationData: InvitationData): InvitationResult =
        .getInvitation(invitationData = invitationData) 

3.2 initializeRedeemCard (deprecated)

Asynchronous. Online.  

Initialize reedem card process.

3.2.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
redeemCardData RedeemCardData Redeem card data model


Parameter Type Description
invitationCode String Invitation code that will be required to initialize invitation acceptance process

3.2.2 Output Success
Success callback with InitializeRedeemCardResult model.


InitializeRedeemCardResult is an empty class. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id

3.2.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun initializeRedeemCard(redeemCardData: RedeemCardData) {
            redeemCardData = redeemCardData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<InitializeRedeemCardResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: InitializeRedeemCardResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with response*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun initializeRedeemCard(redeemCardData: RedeemCardData): InitializeRedeemCardResult =
        .initializeRedeemCard(redeemCardData = redeemCardData) 

3.3 finalizeRedeemCard (depracated)

Asynchronous. Online.  

Finalize redeem card.

3.3.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
finalizeRedeemCardData FinalizeRedeemCardData Finalize redeem card data model


Parameter Type Description
invitationCode String Invitation code that will be required to initialize invitation acceptance process
confirmationCode String One time password (sent via SMS )

3.3.2 Output Success
Success callback with FinalizeRedeemCardResult model.


FinalizeRedeemCardResult is an empty class. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.

3.3.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun finalizeRedeemCard(
    finalizeRedeemCardData: FinalizeRedeemCardData
) {
            finalizeRedeemCardData = finalizeRedeemCardData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<FinalizeRedeemCardResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: FinalizeRedeemCardResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with response*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun finalizeRedeemCard(
    finalizeRedeemCardData: FinalizeRedeemCardData
): FinalizeRedeemCardResult =
        .finalizeInvitationAcceptance(finalizeRedeemCardData = finalizeRedeemCardData) 


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id

3.4 getVcnDetails

Asynchronous. Online.  

Provide vcn details from Budget Control backend. When communicating with the API, the encrypted PAN number is used. 
Decryption on the sdk side.
Sensitive data processed in arrays and should be cleared after use.

3.4.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
vcnDetailsData VcnDetailsData Get vcn details data model


Parameter Type Description
cardId Long Card identifier

3.4.2 Output Success
Success callback with VcnDetailsResult model.


Parameter Type Description
getVcnDetails VcnDetailsResult Get vcn details result model


Parameter Type Description
vcnDetails VcnDetailsModel Vcn details model


Parameter Type Description
pan CharArray Card number
expireDate CharArray Card expire date
cvc CharArray Card verification code Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id

3.4.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun getVcnDetails(vcnDetailsData: VcnDetailsData) {
            vcnDetailsData = vcnDetailsData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<VcnDetailsResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: VcnDetailsResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with vcn details result , clear sensitive data by using clear() method*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun getVcnDetails(vcnDetailsData: VcnDetailsData): VcnDetailsResult =
        .getVcnDetails(vcnDetailsData = vcnDetailsData) 

3.5 getCards

Asynchronous. Online.  

Provides user cards from Budget Control backend.

3.5.1 Input

No input parameters.

3.5.2 Output Success
Success callback with CardsResult model.


Parameter Type Description
getCards CardsResult Get cards result model


Parameter Type Description
cards List<CardModel> List of user cards


Parameter Type Description
id Long Card id
lastFourDigits String? Last four digits of user card
samsungPay Boolean Flag indicating support for Samsung Pay
applePay Boolean Flag indicating support for Apple Pay
mdes Boolean flag indicating support for contactless payment
googlePay Boolean Flag indicating support for Google Pay
startDate String? Start date of assigning the card for a specific period
endDate String? End date of assigning the card for a specific period
cumulativeLimitMinor Long Card limit to be used
currency CurrencyModel Currency model
hasVcn Boolean Flag indicating if card has vcn


Parameter Type Description
code String Currency code (ISO 4217, three letter code)
numeric Int Currency numeric (ISO 4217) Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id

3.5.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun getCards() {
            callback = object : ApiCallback<CardsResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: CardsResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with get cards result*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun getCards(): CardsResult =

3.6 getCardDetails

Asynchronous. Online.  

Provides user card details from Budget Control backend.

3.6.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
cardDetailsData CardDetailsData Get card details data model


Parameter Type Description
cardId Long Card identifier

3.6.2 Output Success
Success callback with CardDetailsResult model.


Parameter Type Description
getCardDetails CardDetailsResult Get card details result model


Parameter Type Description
cardDetails CardDetailsModel Details of user card


Parameter Type Description
id Long Card id
budgetMinor Long User's balance
cumulativeMinor Long Card limit to be used
periodicLimits List<PeriodicLimitModel List of limits to be used in a specific time
currency CurrencyModel Currency model
pendingApproval PendingApprovalModel? Pending approval of data change assignment
isGooglePaySupported Boolean Flag information about Google Pay support
isSamsungPaySupported Boolean Flag information about Samsung Pay support
lastFourDigits CharArray Last four digits of user card
hasVcn Boolean Flag indicating if card has vcn
endDate String End date of assigning the card for a specific period
startDate String Start date of assigning the card for a specific period
isOneTimeVcn Boolean Flag information about if card is one time use
cardType CardType Card provider type


Parameter Type Description
limitMinor Long Card limit to be used
timeUnit TimeUnit Time unit


Time Description
DAILY Daily limit time unit
WEEKLY Weekly limit time unit
MONTHLY Monthly limit time unit
UNKNOWN Unknown time unit type


Type Description
VISA Visa card type
MC Mastercard card type
EMPTY Undefined card type


Parameter Type Description
code String Currency code (ISO 4217, three letter code)
numeric Int Currency numeric (ISO 4217)


Parameter Type Description
endDate String End date of assigning the card for a specific period
cumulativeLimitMinor Int Card limit to be used
periodicLimits List<PeriodicLimitModel> List of limits to be used in a specific time Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id
UnknownTimeUnit An unknown time unit - available 3 types DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

3.6.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun getCardDetails(cardDetailsData: CardDetailsData) {
            cardDetailsData = cardDetailsData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<CardDetailsResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: CardDetailsResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with get card details result*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun getCardDetails(cardDetailsData: CardDetailsData): CardDetailsResult =
        .getCardDetails(cardDetailsData = cardDetailsData) 

3.7 getAlerts

Asynchronous. Online.  

Provides user alerts from Budget Control backend.

3.7.1 Input

No input parameters.

3.7.2 Output Success
Success callback with AlertsResult model.


Parameter Type Description
getAlerts AlertsResult Get alerts result model


Parameter Type Description
alerts AlertsModel List with different types of alerts


Parameter Type Description
issuerTermsAndConditions List<IssuerTermsAndConditionsModel> List of terms and conditions to be approved for a specific issuer
notifications List<NotificationModel> List of notifications


Parameter Type Description
issuer IssuerModel Issuer model
termsAndConditions List<TermsAndConditionsModel> List of terms and conditions


Parameter Type Description
id String Issuer id
name String Issuer name


Parameter Type Description
id String Id of T&C
header String Header of T&C
content String Content of T&C


Parameter Type Description
id String Id of notification
header String Header of notification
content String Content of notification
type NotificationType Notification type
createdAt String Creation date of the notification
notificationDetails NotificationDetailsModel? Notification details model


Parameter Type Description
cumulativeLimitMinor String Card limit to be used
endDate Long End date of assigning the card for a specific period
periodicLimits List<PeriodicLimitModel> List of limits to be used in a specific time
approvalStatus ApprovalStatus Approval status
lastFourDigits CharArray Last four digits of user card
currencyCode String Currency code (ISO 4217, three letter code)


Reason Description
ACCEPTED Approval status accepted
REJECTED Approval status rejected
CANCELLED Approval status cancelled
PREPARED Approval status prepared
UNKNOWN Unknown approval status model


Parameter Type Description
limitMinor Long Card limit to be used
timeUnit TimeUnit Time unit


Time Description
DAILY Daily limit time unit
WEEKLY Weekly limit time unit
MONTHLY Monthly limit time unit


Time Description
ASSIGN_CARD Notification of assign card
REMOVE_CARD Notification of card removal
NEW_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS Notification of new terms and conditions
MOBILE_REQUEST_ACCEPTED Notification of mobile request accepted
MOBILE_REQUEST_REJECTED Notification of mobile request rejected
BEFORE_CARD_EXPIRATION Notification of before card expiration
UNKNOWN Unknown notification type Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id
UnknownApprovalStatus Unknown approval status
UnknownTimeUnit An unknown time unit - available 3 types DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

3.7.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun getAlerts() {
            callback = object : ApiCallback<AlertsResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: AlertsResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with get alerts result*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun getAlerts(): AlertsResult =

3.8 deleteAlert

Asynchronous. Online.  

Delete alert with given alert id.

3.8.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
deleteAlertData DeleteAlertData Delete alert data model


Parameter Type Description
alertId String Id of deleting alert

3.8.2 Output Success
Success callback with DeleteAlertResult model.


DeleteAlertResult is an empty class. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id

3.8.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun deleteAlert(deleteAlertData: DeleteAlertData) {
            deleteAlertData = deleteAlertData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<DeleteAlertResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: DeleteAlertResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with delete alert result*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun deleteAlert(deleteAlertData: DeleteAlertData): DeleteAlertResult =
        .deleteAlert(deleteAlertData = deleteAlertData) 

3.9 acceptTermsAndConditions

Asynchronous. Online.  

Accept terms and conditions with given issuer id.  

3.9.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
issuerData IssuerData Issuer Data model.


Parameter Type Description
issuerId String Issuer identifier.

3.9.2 Output Success
Success callback with AcceptTermsAndConditionsResult model.  


AcceptTermsAndConditionsResult is an empty class. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.  


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id

3.9.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun acceptTermsAndConditions(issuerData: IssuerData) {
            issuerData = issuerData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<AcceptTermsAndConditionsResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: AcceptTermsAndConditionsResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with accept t&c result*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun acceptTermsAndConditions(issuerData: IssuerData): AcceptTermsAndConditionsResult =
        .acceptTermsAndConditions(issuerData = issuerData) 

3.10 addApproval

Asynchronous. Online.  

Add approval request to change the assigned card limits.  

3.10.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
addApprovalData AddApprovalData Add approval data model


Parameter Type Description
cardId Long Card identifier
endDate String End date of assigning the card for a specific period
cumulativeLimitMinor Long Card limit to be used
periodicLimits List<PeriodicLimitModel> List of limits to be used in a specific time


Parameter Type Description
limitMinor Long Card limit to be used
timeUnit TimeUnit Time unit


Periodic Description
DAILY Daily limit time unit
WEEKLY Weekly limit time unit
MONTHLY Monthly limit time unit

3.10.2 Output Success
Success callback with AddApprovalResult model.


AddApprovalResult is an empty class. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Parameters Description
HttpApiException code: Int, message: String? HTTP API exception
TechnicalException message: String? Technical exception
NoSessionException User is unauthorized - session expired
RequestCancelled Request was canceled
UnknownErrorStatus status: String? An unknown error occurred
ResourceNotFound Resource not found
InvalidId Invalid id
ApprovalRequestExist Approval request exist
CardAssignedToAnotherUser Card assigned to another user
UnknownTimeUnit An unknown time unit - available 3 types DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

3.10.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun addApproval(addApprovalData: AddApprovalData) {
            addApprovalData = addApprovalData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<AddApprovalResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: AddApprovalResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with add approval result*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun addApproval(addApprovalData: AddApprovalData): AddApprovalResult =
        .addApproval(addApprovalData = addApprovalData) 

3.11 redeemInvitation

Asynchronous. Online.  

Initialize reedem card process.

3.11.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
invitationCode String Invitation code that will be required to initialize invitation acceptance process

3.11.2 Output Success
Success callback with RedeemInvitationResult model.


Parameter Type Description
redeemInvitation RedeemInvitationModel Redeem Invitation model


Parameter Type Description
phonePrefix String Phone prefix
phoneNumber String User's phone number Failure
Failure callback with throwable.


Exception Description
ResourceNotFound Resource not found

3.11.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun redeemInvitation(redeemInvitationData: RedeemInvitationData) {
            redeemInvitationData = redeemInvitationData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<RedeemInvitationResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: RedeemInvitationResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with response*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun redeemInvitation(redeemInvitationData: RedeemInvitationData): RedeemInvitationResult =
        .redeemInvitation(redeemInvitationData = redeemInvitationData) 

3.12 redeemInvitationConfirmationCode

Asynchronous. Online.  

Finalize redeem card.

3.12.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
invitationCode String Invitation code that will be required to initialize invitation acceptance process
confirmationCode String One time password (sent via SMS )

3.12.2 Output Success
Success callback with RedeemInvitationConfirmationCodeResult model. RedeemInvitationConfirmationCodeResult is an empty class. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.

3.12.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun redeemInvitationConfirmationCode(
    redeemInvitationConfirmationCodeData: RedeemInvitationConfirmationCodeData
) {
            redeemInvitationConfirmationCodeData = redeemInvitationConfirmationCodeData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<RedeemInvitationConfirmationCodeResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: RedeemInvitationConfirmationCodeResult) {
                    /*TODO: do something with response*/
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    /*TODO: something went wrong*/

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun redeemInvitationConfirmationCode(
    redeemInvitationConfirmationCodeData: RedeemInvitationConfirmationCodeData
): RedeemInvitationConfirmationCodeResult =
        .redeemInvitationConfirmationCode(redeemInvitationConfirmationCodeData = redeemInvitationConfirmationCodeData) 


Exception Parameters Description
ResourceNotFound Resource not found

3.13 registerCardEventsListener

Synchronous. Online.  

Register CardEventsListener.

3.12.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
CardEventsListener Interface Listener containing methods for responding to card events.

3.12.2 Sample

Standard Callback

fun registerCardEventsListener(
    cardEventsListener: CardApiEventsListener
) {
        .registerCardEventsListener(cardEventsListener = cardEventsListener)

Kotlin Coroutines

fun registerCardEventsListener(
    cardEventsListener: CardApiEventsListener
) {
        .registerCardEventsListener(cardEventsListener = cardEventsListener)

3.14 registerTermsAndConditionsEventsListener

Synchronous. Online.  

Register TermsAndConditionsEventsListener.

3.12.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
TermsAndConditionsEventsListener Interface Listener containing methods for responding to terms and conditions events.

3.12.2 Sample

Standard Callback

fun registerTermsAndConditionsEventsListener(
    termsAndConditionsEventsListener: TermsAndConditionsEventsListener
) {
        .registerTermsAndConditionsEventsListener(termsAndConditionsEventsListener = termsAndConditionsEventsListener)

Kotlin Coroutines

fun registerTermsAndConditionsEventsListener(
    cardEventsListener: TermsAndConditionsEventsListener
) {
        .registerTermsAndConditionsEventsListener(termsAndConditionsEventsListener = termsAndConditionsEventsListener)

3.15 registerApprovalEventsListener

Synchronous. Online.  

Register ApprovalEventsListener.

3.12.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
ApprovalEventsListener Interface Listener containing methods for responding to approval events.

3.12.2 Sample

Standard Callback

fun registerApprovalEventsListener(
    approvalEventsListener: ApprovalEventsListener
) {
        .registerApprovalEventsListener(approvalEventsListener = approvalEventsListener)

Kotlin Coroutines

fun registerApprovalEventsListener(
    approvalEventsListener: ApprovalEventsListener
) {
        .registerApprovalEventsListener(approvalEventsListener = approvalEventsListener)

4. Document changelog

4.1. Version 1.0.0

4.2 Version 1.0.1

4.3 Version 1.0.2

4.4 Version. 1.0.3

4.5 Version. 1.1.0

4.6 Version. 1.1.1

4.7 Version. 1.1.2

4.8 Version. 2.0.0

4.9 Version 2.0.1

4.10 Version 2.0.2