Receivers SDK

Version. 1.0.0

Table of Contents

  1. Receivers SDK Overview

    1.1. What is Receivers SDK?

    1.2. How Receivers SDK works?

    1.3. Versioning and backward compatibility

  2. Technical overview

    2.1. Basic information

    2.2. Basic configuration

    2.3. Receivers SDK Setup

    2.4. Error handling

  3. Receivers service

    3.1. addExternalReceiver

    3.2. addWalletReceiver

    3.3. deleteReceiver

    3.4. getActiveAccounts

    3.5. getReceivers

    3.6. updateReceiver


    4.1 Version 1.0.0

1. Receivers SDK Overview

1.1. What is Receivers SDK?

The P2P Receivers SDK is a module dedicated for receivers management. Receivers contains useful data required in transaction process. Receivers are represented by phone numbers and associated cards. SDK includes functions such as: get, add, update and delete receivers.

1.2. How Receivers SDK works?

Receivers SDK requires Mobile DC SDK as a dependency.
It’s required for the Receivers SDK to work correctly and handles user’s session and data (e.g. cards).

Please read the Mobile DC SDK’s documentation to see more details about the installation and integration process.

In order to incorporate this SDK into your app, see Basic configuration

1.3. Versioning and backward compatibility

SDK is based on semantic versioning.
For example: 1.0.0 ( MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH )

Changes not breaking compatibility:

2. Technical overview

This section describes basic information about Mobile DC SDK, Receivers SDK setup and available methods.

2.1. Basic information

2.1.1 Facade

Facade is entry point to communication with Receivers SDK.

2.1.2 Multiple facade types

P2P Receivers SDK provides two public API's with same functionalities, the API's are:

The difference between the API's is a way of providing data to SDK methods and getting the results from them.
Input and output as an data models are the same.
This documentation presents I/O types in a Kotlin way as it's easier to mark nullable fields (as question mark).

2.1.3 Method structure

Every method description has same structure.

Execution type:

Method type:

Input parameters with name, type and description.

Result delivered by standard Callback with data or result is suspended until the Coroutine completes <>.

2.2 Basic configuration

2.2.1 Min SDK Version

The minSdkVersion must be at least 23 (Android 6.0).

2.2.2 Artifactory

SDK is available on Verestro maven repository and can be configured in project using Gradle build system.

Username and password is provided by Verestro.

	maven {
		credentials {
			username "<enter_username_here>"
			password "<enter_password_here>"
		url ""

2.2.3 SDKs version

Receivers SDK is available in two versions: debug and release.
The difference between version is debug allows to use application with debugger connected.
Debug version is ended with appendix "-debug" in version name.
Samples below:

For release version, used on production environment in application uploaded to Google Play:

    implementation "pl.upaid.module:mobiledc:{version}"
    implementation 'com.verestro.module:receivers:{version}'

For debugging purposes:

    implementation "pl.upaid.module:mobiledc:{version}-debug"
    implementation 'com.verestro.module:receivers:{version}-debug'

2.2.1 Source code obfuscation and optimization

As SDK is written in Kotlin language we recommend to add following code to gradle configuration:

android {
    kotlinOptions {
        freeCompilerArgs = [

    packagingOptions {
        exclude '/kotlin_metadata/**'

Then use newest tools for code shrinking, optimization and obfuscation from Google by enabling R8 instead Proguard in file:


2.3 Receivers SDK Setup

Available configuration methods:

2.3.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
configuration Configuration Configuration model


Parameter Type Description
productNam String API product name
url String API hostname URL
certificateHashes List<String> API hostname Pin SHA256

2.3.2 Sample


fun init(configuration: Configuration) {


fun init(configuration: Configuration) {

2.4 Error handling

SDK returns errors by ReceiversSdkException, which could be catched by application and shown on UI with detailed message.
Table below describes general exception types.


Exception Parameters Description
CryptographyError Cryptography error.
InternalServerError Internal application error.
ProductNotFound Product not found based on sent header: Product-Name.
RequestCancelled Request was canceled.
TechnicalException message:String? Technical exception.
NoSessionException Session expired.
ValidationException validationErrors: List<ValidationError> List of validation errors.
UnknownErrorStatus status: String An unknown error occurred.
HttpApiException code:Int, message:String? HTTP API exception.


Parameter Type Description
fieldName String Name of field which not passed validation.
errorMessages List<String> List of error messages.

Specific types of exceptions are described for each method.

3 Receivers service

3.1 addExternalReceiver

Asynchronous. Online.

This method allows user to add external receiver.

3.1.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
phoneNumber String Phone number.
displayName String Display name.
firstName String? Optional. First name.
lastName String? Optional. Last name.
cardNumber CharArray? Receiver card number.

3.1.2 Output Success
Success callback with AddExternalReceiverResult model. AddExternalReceiverResult is empty class. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.

3.1.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun addExternalReceiver(addExternalReceiverData: AddExternalReceiverData) {
            addExternalReceiverData = addExternalReceiverData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<AddExternalReceiverResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: AddExternalReceiverResult) {
                    // handle success
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    // handle error

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun addExternalReceiver(addExternalReceiverData: AddExternalReceiverData): AddExternalReceiverResult =
        .addExternalReceiver(addExternalReceiverData = addExternalReceiverData)

3.2 addWalletReceiver

Asynchronous. Online.

This method allows user to add wallet receiver which are already added to database.

3.2.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
phoneNumber String Phone number.
displayName String Display name.
firstName String? Optional. First name.
lastName String? Optional. Last name.
dcReceiverId Int User identifier.

3.2.2 Output Success
Success callback with AddWalletReceiverResult model.

AddWalletReceiverResult Failure
Failure callback with throwable.

3.2.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun addWalletReceiver(addWalletReceiverData: AddWalletReceiverData) {
            addWalletReceiverData = addWalletReceiverData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<AddWalletReceiverResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: AddWalletReceiverResult) {
                    // handle success
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    // handle error

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun addWalletReceiver(addWalletReceiverData: AddWalletReceiverData): AddWalletReceiverResult =
        .addWalletReceiver(addWalletReceiverData = addWalletReceiverData)

3.3 deleteReceiver

Asynchronous. Online.

This method allow user to delete a friend.

3.3.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
receiverId Long Receiver identifier.

3.3.2 Output Success
Success callback with DeleteReceiverResult model.

DeleteReceiverResult Failure
Failure callback with throwable.

3.3.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun deleteReceiver(deleteReceiverData: DeleteReceiverData) {
            deleteReceiverData = deleteReceiverData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<DeleteReceiverResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: DeleteReceiverResult) {
                    // handle success
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    // handle error

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun deleteReceiver(deleteReceiverData: DeleteReceiverData): DeleteReceiverResult =
        .deleteReceiver(deleteReceiverData = deleteReceiverData)

3.4 getActiveAccounts

Asynchronous. Online.

Method is used to find users with valid card (not expired, strong verified). Response will contain phone numbers with user and card identifiers. Users without accepted terms of service or without valid card will not be returned in response. If user has multiple cards that match criteria response will contain only user’s default card id.

3.4.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
phoneNumbers Set Phone numbers each of which identifiers one user. Size must be between 1 and 100 inclusive.

3.4.2 Output Success
Success callback with GetActiveAccountsResult model.


Parameter Type Description
activeAccounts Set Set of active accounts.


Parameter Type Description
phoneNumber String Phone number.
userId Long User identifier.
cardId Long Card identifier. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.

Possible types of exceptions:

Exception Description
InvalidPhoneNumbers Phone numbers has incorrect format.

3.4.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun getActiveAccounts(getActiveAccountsData: GetActiveAccountsData) {
            getActiveAccountsData = getActiveAccountsData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<GetActiveAccountsResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: GetActiveAccountsResult) {
                    // handle success
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    // handle error

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun getActiveAccounts(getActiveAccountsData: GetActiveAccountsData): GetActiveAccountsResult =
        .getActiveAccounts(getActiveAccountsData = getActiveAccountsData)

3.5 getReceivers

Asynchronous. Online.

This method is used to get receivers list.

3.5.1 Input

No input parameters.

3.5.2 Output Success
Success callback with GetReceiversResult model.


Parameter Type Description
receivers List<ReceiverModel> List of receivers.


Parameter Type Description
firstName String First name.
lastName String Last name.
phoneNumber String Phone number.
displayName String Display name.
receiverWalletEntries List<ReceiverWalletModel> Receiver wallet entries list.


Parameter Type Description
receiverId Long Receiver identifier.
receiverType ReceiverType One of: [WALLET], [EXTERNAL].
lastFourDigits String? Conditional. Card last 4 digits. Empty for [WALLET] type.
bin String? Card bin. Conditional. Card bin. Empty for [WALLET] type.


Type Description
WALLET Wallet card receiver.
EXTERNAL External card receiver. Failure
Failure callback with throwable.

3.5.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun getReceivers() {
            callback = object : ApiCallback<GetReceiversResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: GetReceiversResult) {
                    // handle success
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    // handle error

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun getReceivers(): GetReceiversResult =

3.6 updateReceiver

Asynchronous. Online.

This method allow user to update receiver. For a receiver of the type WALLET you can update only the field: displayName. For a receiver of the type EXTERNAL you can update the fields: phoneNumber, displayName, firstName, lastName, cardNumber.

3.6.1 Input


Parameter Type Description
receiverId Long Receiver identifier.
displayName String? Optional. Display name.
phoneNumber String? Optional. Phone number.
cardNumber CharArray? Optional. Card number.
cardExpirationDate CharArray? Optional. Card expiration date.

3.5.2 Output Success
Success callback with UpdateReceiverResult model.

UpdateReceiverResult Failure
Failure callback with throwable.

3.5.3 Sample

Standard Callback

fun updateReceiver(updateReceiverData: UpdateReceiverData) {
            updateReceiverData = updateReceiverData,
            callback = object : ApiCallback<UpdateReceiverResult> {
                override fun onSuccess(response: UpdateReceiverResult) {
                    // handle success
                override fun onFailure(error: Throwable) {
                    // handle error

Kotlin Coroutines

suspend fun updateReceiver(updateReceiverData: UpdateReceiverData): UpdateReceiverResult =
        .updateReceiver(updateReceiverData = updateReceiverData)


4.1. Version 1.0.0